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About Us!


From tackling personal decisions to reaching important milestones, our job is to guide you along the path to success. As professional business coaches, we guarantee great results. We are fueled by our commitment to excellence and go the extra mile to make sure our business partners can prosper and thrive as new-economy teachers, and entrepreneurs!



As a professional business coach, I am committed to providing the necessary guidance you need to take action. From making strategic decisions to understanding what your logical next steps are, I’m here to guide you through our proven system. We create communities! Our members are united with a driving belief in creating thriving business communities NOT transaction marketplaces! Income is important, but true fulfillment comes from what we each give and contribute to a better world. We believe that each of our members should identify their strengths and their vision. What they believe will add value to our society, and then DO THAT! As business developers, we separate our true passions from how we create income. Let your assets develop income and your heart lead you to what you "do" in life!! Simply put, a better way to live!


What Exactly Is Our Business!!

The Global Consumer Revolution is a powerful engine for those individuals that are fed up with the "rat race" and the 9 to 5 job market. We have united several business platforms to create the "Uberization" of home business. Our members want it all! Global manufacturing, sales and distribution, marketing tools, global communication, asset creation, passive income, leverage, aggressive layers of compensation, access to global markets, exclusive products, low cost to entry, high potential, loyal customers, high-technology management software, low overhead, time freedom, high income potential, personal development, to be "on trend" in huge markets, socially responsible, and family oriented!  A true NEW ECONOMY lifestyle!!  The best of all worlds!!  To accomplish this, we have invested millions of dollars in R&D, infrastructure, patents, technology, and opened 30 global markets. This includes Asia, North and South America, Europe, and Africa! We have combined the best in all business systems. Education, distribution, health and wellness science, finance, mastermind groups, mentorship, multi-level compensation, tax advantages, legal protection, guarantees, and unlimited potential. We do NOT sell products!!! We unite buyers!! We utilize cutting-edge products and cutting-edge compensation. Our members enjoy "profit sharing" on a global scale. We have partnered with Mannatech as our provider of cutting-edge wellness solutions for our busy, crazy lives! Think of us as a teaching platform for the trillion-dollar wellness revolution, combined with the access platforms for global home-business!! The best of the NEW ECONOMY AND HOME BUSINESS. Our buying group members and our network members have already earned over $2,200,000,000 in consumer revenues! Yes, 2.2 billion dollars! Our united consumers are taking control of their income and their health at the same time, perfect! A much better way to live and work! As your consumer network grows, you can earn income and enjoy "free" products as well!

We believe you have always had the power. The Power to Prosper!


Our members do not "sell", we unite consumers that "believe what we believe". By uniting consumers, we unlock the "invisible" wealth of the new economy: asset creation, passive income, tax benefits, education, leadership, achievement, fulfillment, social value, security & certainty, recognition, and adventure! Contribution and human values are improved across both local and global relationships, beliefs, values and rewards! United consumers create united benefits! We stop the ego trip of competing for income and support the human need to collaborate for the good of all. It is no longer "you against the world", but "you are creating a better world." A better way to live!



The new economy is changing our relationship with "trust". As we shift power from centralized "institutions" to our global consumer network, we return to our roots of trust in people. Big Banks, Powerful Wall Street, Incompetent Congress, Big Business, Big Education, and Special Interests have lost our trust. Our consumers collaborate and network as a "tribe" of people brought together for the very purpose of taking back their lives, jobs, families, values, education, and well-being! Moving via our technology platform from weak to empowered! Distributing power back to hard working people! Distributing passion back to average folks who desire a better way to live!


I don't know about you, but I did not take "Wealth 101" or "Financial Freedom 101" in school or college! The Science of Achievement and the Art of Fulfillment were self-taught. Now everyone you know can access every secret of self-discovery and abundance. The Global Consumer Revolution is your path to a Life of Significance. Our "job" in this new community of united consumers is to take back our lives and then spend our time giving our passions to a world in desperate need of our unique gifts, skills, talents, and social contributions! Millions of ways to GIVE! If you are like me, and you are tired of the way things are, and ready for a better way to live! I say, "turn off the reality TV, and turn on a better way to live YOUR real life!"

Thank you Angela and your team for helping the Happy Team participate in a great super regional even
The Problems, Solutions, and Actions that Create a Better Way of Living!




The new economy is creating more wealth for fewer people! That is a BIG Problem! The real disruption that is occurring is not just about technology; but a profound shift in VALUE and TRUST! Our consumer co-op business platform empowers the "CROWD"! Not centralized institutions of traditional power! The Collaborative Economy gives everyone access to wealth creation, unleashing more value and scale on a global platform. Now, technology can provide abundance & work for everyone, giving us a better way to live!



The SHARING ECONOMY is an economic system that unlocks the value of under-used assets, through powerful technology platforms that match "needs" with "wants" in new ways and on global scales that create greater efficiency and human access! Just like "Uber" or "AirB&B" it is the HINES BUSINESS SYSTEM, that unites consumers with industries in new exciting ways!! Your "need" to create a better life for your family, and their "want" to create loyal and excited customers. Our system creates loyal customers for business, while they share profits with us. A better way to live and do business for everyone!



"Luke, you have always had the power!" PURCHASING POWER!! Now it is time to use it!! Whenever we buy, we are VOTING! We validate, we approve of, and say we want more. The market place uses the checkout counter as a corporate "Voting Booth" In the past, the power of the "DARK SIDE" of big business, has led us around by our noses. Limiting choice and keeping all the profits, while your income shrank! It is time to VOTE FOR YOUR FAMILY AND YOUR FUTURE!!!! It is time to vote for a better way to live!

The Power of Collaboration!
United Consumers Create United Benefits!
Working with the leaders of the Happy Team!  A few great moments in Mexico.jpg We hope you will all
History was made today, as we launch the new offices in Hong Kong!!! The gateway to China.jpgBut Hap
Welcome to Team Mannatech, powered  by Ambrotose!!
The End of Competition and the Beginning                       of Collaboration!

For hundreds of years, men have competed for resources. Today, we still want to be better than our neighbor. Better jobs, better homes, better cars, better vacations, etc. The idea that "my life is great, and better than yours." This has created a "broke" Middle Class, up to its neck in debt and stress.  There is however, a BETTER WAY!! COLLABORATION unites individuals into communities of shared resources. Shared access to resources. With our motto: "Life is Great." This allows everyone access to abundance. The Global Consumer Revolution is our way of creating an opportunity for all people, and not just a few. You can now gain access to multi-million-dollar shared platforms of opportunity, just like "Uber," or AirB&B for example! This allows everyone the potential to dramatically improve their lives and the lives of their friends in their community! A better way of living!



We have attracted the best-of-the-best in coaching, teaching, mentoring, and leadership development! As you grow, your business grows. We unite, empower, and speak as one! Our "mastermind" concept creates fun, stories, and results. Our proven systems accelerate success and replicate the same rewards for everyone!




The Journey to Success and Fulfillment is first created by an internal desire to become a person of influence. That commitment and effort will later be reflected in your external results and happiness. Today, all the secrets to success are available to anyone and anywhere! You will become what you read, view, listen to and associate with! YouTube, Kindle, and Webinars give you more access to the foundations of success than kings had a few centuries ago. A better life is at your fingertips!

So many amazing people at MannaFest! Thank you for believing!!



Our team is powered by a new generation. They have grown tired of BIG POWER AND POLITICS! THEY FACE A NEW WORLD OF GLOBAL COMPETITION AND OPPORTUNITY! Seventy percent of our team is composed of women. They reject the idea of working 9 to 5 and seek the lifestyle of the new-economy entrepreneur. They seek a world of problem-solving and collaboration!  They are leading the wellness revolution and educating themselves how to avoid stress, and enjoy vitality, energy, longevity, and a life free of chronic illness. They embrace physical and emotional wellbeing. Fat loss, anti-aging, nutrition, and diet are a priority! Prevention is desired over chronic illness! By uniting the global need for better health, with the global need for a better way to live, our team transforms their beliefs into a better way of working! And in the process, we will create a better world for 5 million malnourished children!!



Mannatech is a 30-year-old NASDAQ public-company. With over 130 exclusive patents in optimal nutrition-technology. In our past, we were challenged by both regulatory and legal issues. But all great companies are challenged! It is how they respond that separates the great from the forgotten. I have been involved with this project since the company was created. I look for and invest in undervalued companies. I have never been more confident in the future! Wellness is a trillion-dollar market and growing! Home-business-networking is now a 200 billion dollar global industry and growing at four times the national economy! Our Global Consumer Revolution is our X-factor! And why we are the fastest growing team in the world. Our philosophy is centered around the success of our consumers first, and our products second. As a scientist and doctor, I understand the miracle of life and the complex nature of living systems.  I have personally consumed these products for over 27 years, and I cannot imagine a day without them. Yes, this is my work and how I get paid. However, we consume a lot more of these products than is required to earn a check. And I give away thousands of dollars of products a year to those less fortunate than we are. Some companies do have "lazy products" but not Mannatech! We are known as the product culture and the science culture.  It is our commitment to the success of our united consumers, that has also accelerated our amazing culture of prosperity and fulfillment!



The above graph is why we created our network over 30 years ago! If you are looking for a "sign," here it is! This "economic decoupling" has created two groups of workers. Those in the new economy and those left out. The world is a very scary place if you are trying to compete with 7.5 billion people. However, if you understand the power of every consumer, and how consumers can unite that power, you will feel much different! We provide every consumer access to our wellness products, access to our recruiting system and global-network technology, access to the advantages of a home-based-business, access to our mastermind system, and access to our global-seamless-compensation platform. It gives everyone the same skills and tools. The same training, webinars, and websites. The same products and opportunity. We have never "SOLD" our products, but we have helped thousands of people "BUY" BETTER HEALTH AND A BETTER WAY OF LIVING! Uniting our community (our tribe) into a powerful force for good!! Helping thousands of us enjoy a better life!! A better way of living! A better way of working!!!

Hawaii is waiting for you! Congratulations to all the awesome team members that are going to Hawaii.


We are about to enter a time of great abundance and empowerment! Our schools and universities are not preparing us for this new age of collaboration and cooperation! The folks that embrace these changes now will prosper and live in a world of bold new opportunities. Many folks will also be left behind! So, the question that I ask folks every day is, "Why not you?"  Why not grow and prosper? Why not embrace the coming prosperity? Why not make the world a better place to live? Why not secure financial certainty? Why not have fun and adventures? Why not become a person you admire? Why not NOW? As I have stated throughout this website, it was not what we did, or how we did it, it was WHY we began this journey over 30 years ago!! The reason was very simple, "Why NOT?" We live but once, and life is brief. Why not be the best person that you can be and become a person with no regrets. Enjoy a life well lived!  Honor God and a better way of living!!

M5M Rocks!!!
Hong Kong
Working with the leaders of the Happy Team!  A few great moments in Mexico.jpg We hope you will all
Go Go Go!
Dinner in Kirkland
Hung Kong taxi!!
I never get tired of this photo!!! Happy birthday!!🎁🎁🎁🎉🎉🎂🎂🎂
Fall in Seattle is so beautiful!!!!!!!!!
Global leaders!
Women in business
The best of the best!
Hotair over Woodinville
Northslope ranch
Courtside for the Storm
Don in Grand Caymin
Go Hawks
Elk in Yellowstone
Alex enjoys flying
Let's ride!
It did snow a lot in 2009
Jackson Hole
Sonics last Christmas
Jacquie and a good dog in Seattle
Barbie and I on Maui
Misty Slopes
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