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I was conditioned to work my entire life, and hope for the best

United Consumer Buying Power







Each of us have all the power we need to change our lives! And, we always have!

There are over 30,000 co-ops, buying groups, and purchasing networks in the United States alone, and over a billion members world wide!

There are two tax systems in the USA, one for employees, and one for business owners. Hard-working, middle-class families pay the highest tax rates. They are taxed on 100% of their income. Small-business owners can deduct most of the costs of operating their business and then pay taxes on what is left!

The moment you start a home business, Uncle Sam or any government, will help you to become a success! Seventy percent of our nations employment comes from small business. The government wants to help you keep your money in your pocket!!


Now, your auto, home, travel, office expenses, cell phone, supplies, computer, internet services, meals out, entertainment, retirement, medical, and much more are deductible. I am not an accountant or an attorney, but their professional services are tax deductible and they have helped me keep my income in my pocket, for the benefit of my family and my business.

The average member of our Global Consumer Revolution has the intention of making a profit and creating a business asset. As we add consumers and members to our business, Uncle Sam is our partner. The average business member keeps an extra $300-$600 each month! Just from the tax advantages!! That is $10-$20 each day!!

If you do not start a home business, we want you to throw $10-$20 out your window each day on your way to work!! 


   Consumer Power! Lesson 101

Uncle Sam Will Start Your Business!!

Consumer Power! Lesson 102

There are only two ways to create income. For 95% of the population, we go to work to create income. This applies to employees and the self-employed. The second group do not work for money, they have money work for them! 

The American education system does not teach us the second way of creating income. We are taught to sit down, follow the rules, and get a good job! This is why you never took a course called "How to be Wealthy 101" in college.

So, the role of the Global Consumer Revolution is to provide you with the business mindset and the business tools to create assets. We are taught in our lives, to create "liabilities" and "residual debt"! Residual debt is any debt scheduled with monthly payments. Mortgages, car loans, credit cards, student loans, and monthly financing!!


My grandfather was born before the depression of 1929, and paid cash for his home, cars, and furnishings. He never had long-term debt. We as consumers are encouraged to "buy now and pay later". However, we are never taught how to build assets that "start now and pay us forever". For the last 30 years, I have created assets that distribute income to my family every month, these assets off set my liabilities. I do not work for money, I work to develop assets, and my assets make me money!! We are still earning income on assets that we created in 1994! Every month! A better way to create income! A better way to "work"!

This lesson is the backbone of wealth. This is what the rich teach their children. Again, liabilities take money out of your pocket, and assets put money into your pocket. The ONLY difference between ordinary income and world-class income is the LEVERAGE OF ASSETS! The only thing! A Better Way of Living!



    Consumer Networks Create Assets!

               Assets Create a Better Way to Live!!

     Consumer Power! Lesson 103

 How can you develop an asset? Welcome to the new economy! You now have an answer! It has always been there! Now you have a success coach to light the way. 

In his book, Rich Dad/Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki shares the message of two systems, just like our discussion about taxes, there is one system for average folks and another for the rich.

The folks on the left (E & S) work for money. The folks on the right (B & I) have money work for them. The E & S person trades time for income and their skills determine their income. The person on the right leverages other people-powered networks and their time for asset-driven income. Passive income.

The problem for most of us is that creating an asset takes an investment of cash to get the ball rolling. Starting a business, developing real estate, investing in the stock market is very risky, and often requires a lot of passion, time, and money to get started. Many people fail. More fail than succeed. 

This is why we created the Global Consumer Revolution! This is a FIFTH system of income creation. A system of "Partnering." A system of business collaboration! In this new system we all leverage our buying power, and we all leverage our access to millions of dollars of collaborative technology. Our product partners provide the infrastructure and capital to work locally from home AND build business assets in the global economy! In this new economy, we collaborate with shared technology to level the playing field for the average hard-working family! We stop competing for resources and start collaborating with shared resources!! This is not rocket science, but no one is focusing on the real "product" of success, YOU! By harnessing thousands of consumers into a "tribe" of micro-entrepreneurs who all believe in collaboration over competition, we design a better way to work. A Better Way to Live!!



A Better Way of Living!!
   Consumer Power! Lesson 104

So far, you may be starting to realize that wealth is learned. Anyone can learn! So, as you may have heard  from me, "the only thing harder than starting something new, is stopping something old." We are all brainwashed. If you have everything you want, and your current habits, education, and conditioning are working for you! And, you currently have all the life, love, liberty, health, and happiness that you want or need, Congratulations! You are in the happy 5% of America, and for you, "Life is Great". 

For many, however, who have not received the critical education required to "believe" that they too can have a truly balanced and happy life, you have come to the right place. Remember, happiness is NOT ABOUT MONEY! I am trying to "free your mind". Yes, like Morpheus in the movie The Matrix, I can only reveal the truth, you must change your own mind. In the movie, Trinity leads Neo to meet Morpheus, and Neo is faced with a choice, "the red pill or the blue pill". 

You can take my blue pill and remain right where you are right now! Or, keep reading these lessons and take the red pill to discover a new "truth". As you may recall, Neo could not BELIEVE the new truth, at first. The rest of the story is spent in his journey of the mind. To first understand and then master this new "truth". Life is very much like The Matrix. You were born into the world of your current mind. It is not my endeavor to change your mind. It is my job to share a different "truth", and see if you want to BELIEVE, what we believe!! We will now share a new truth with you! If something "new" is possible, it only applies to you if you learn, understand, and take action on this new information!! You can not benefit from things that you do not know, or understand, or you can not apply for your family. 

No matter how much of this site that you explore, and I hope you explore it all, you will only believe in something different if you ask yourself the right question. For Neo the question that was a splinter in his mind, was"what is the matrix?" For me it was, "If others enjoy a better way of living, there is no reason WHY I could not enjoy a better way for my family as well!"

If others can do it, I can do it! Especially, if the better way is built on trust, love, giving, education, collaboration, community, equality, and on a level playing field. Some of us have been convinced (taught) that rich people are greedy, powerful, and only desire the lust for more and more money, at the sacrifice of family, health, values, and Godly principles. It has been my experience, that most successful people are the opposite. 

In my case, because of my childhood, I did believe that rich people were some how immoral. That they broke the rules and took advantage of people to enrich themselves. And then I met a great mentor in 1983! This man said to me, "Dr. Hines, we love your company, you are a hard worker, but you have never been taught how to become wealthy!"

Now please remember that my mentor lived in New York, he was a third-generation Harvard MBA, and he ran a multi-million dollar investment fund. He lived in Westport, Connecticut and was the most successful man that I personally new. 

Working with him changed my life forever! He was humble, caring, sharing, and very very human. He gave his time to numerous charities, and causes. He made a difference in the lives of hundreds of people and was surrounded by an amazing family. He made a difference in my life. He lived a better way of life! So, for all the greedy characters we hear about in the news, schools, movies, politics, church, and our scarcity-driven mindsets, I know first hand that money is not evil. But, money can create power, and power can be evil.

My mentor used his "power" for good. The members of my consumer community are regular hard-working folks that need a better way in this crazy world. Out of the thousands of folks that I have mentored, I am yet to have a single one become a doer of evil things. Quite the opposite, we trust each other as believers and kindred spirits. My "tribe" is my family. I will never meet the vast majority of my network-members, yet everywhere I do travel I am welcomed like an honored member of a family. I have to pinch myself at how close I came to rejecting these "new" ideas, and forever missing my chance to give my family, and my children, a Better Way to Live.

Now, if this all sounds to good to be true, or even a little weird, don't feel bad, because that is exactly how I felt at first. We all feel that way about things that are a new way of thinking. Remember, we are all "brainwashed". And for a broke kid from a poor logging community, it was really hard to "free my mind"! I thank God everyday, that He tested me. That He has helped me develop unique experiences that have led me to this moment.


As I sit here in my home office and share these words, my only thought is how powerful YOU are. It is not about me at all. I am only the messenger, I am not the message. The message is very simple. "To whom we give our dollars, we give our power!" This is my song to you, because the Global Consumer Buying Group is about taking back that power! Creating a better way of life for you, and your family!



Consumer Power! Lesson 105

I love this lesson. Why? Because it was so simple, yet so "not" what I learned in school, or in eleven  years of college. Here it is - Failure is good! Yes, I have failed my way to amazing success! I have failed far more times than I have succeeded! And, each and every misstep, failure, and poor judgement allowed me more clarity for my next move, and my next move after that. 

Our school system is full of wonderful and kindhearted teachers. Yet, today, many are confiding in me their fears. The fears that we are not providing our children with the skills that they will need in the new economy that is rushing toward us. 

We invest more dollars than any nation on earth, and we are #28 in results.  We are dead last in math and science! Ironically, this is not the fact that upsets me. What bothers me is not a students ability to regurgitate information, but that they are not prepared for the "Real World". I should know. I played the game, I sat in the front row. I regurgitated the information. I graduated with honors. I passed all the tests. And, after 23 years of education and skill creation I had earned four college degrees. They gave me my expensive pieces of paper and said "Good Luck!" 

They are never held accountable for the outcome. They have done an amazing job in preparing us for the "job" market, but a terrible job in preparing us for "real life". I was never taught about business, employees, taxes, financial success, personal development, or how to create winning relationships and trust. I certainly was not taught that failure was good. We were told that we were the best, "now go to work." No wonder we doctors are such head-cases.

It took me years to unlearn the ego trip of health care and realize that we really are not God. There is so much more to come. Health care today will look primitive in 10-20 years. Yet, we play with life and death every day. I respect my colleagues, they do work very hard, and they do face incredible pressures. I look forward to a better way. The body is a miracle,  our current health-care system is very profitable for big business, and sets up many conflicts of interest.  The future of "integrated" care is just around the corner, as long as we have the courage as consumers to demand a better system. We spend more money on medical care than other western countries, yet our average age at death is much worse! 





























Again, through education, and collaboration we regular folks can create a better way to live. As we unite, we all can create a better world for all consumers. 

After a very expensive education, I spent another decade learning the Science of Achievement and the Art of Fulfillment, as well as the Principles of Wealth Creation! It is the purpose of the Global Consumer Co-op to reduce the time it takes for you to master these principles. I don't care how old you are between 18-108, we can all accelerate collaboration and create a Better Way of Living. Welcome to a new way of thinking about success!





Take Back Your Power! Vote for Your Family! Vote for Your Future!
Consumer Power! Lesson 106!

How do you want to be remembered? What is your true purpose? What would you change today, if you could? What unique contribution will you add to this world? Is life about money, or is it about a healthy and abundant world? What is your legacy?

You are a unique miracle! There will never be another you! Did you know that the biological odds of you being born were four hundred trillion to one!! YES, you have already won the "Universe Lottery". That again was 400,000,000,000 to 1. That is more than the number of stars in 1,600 galaxies!!! Now, what are you going to do with your miracle? Your one-and-only life?

Thoughts become things! Are you in control of your thoughts? Or, do you allow every random event the ability to shape your future? We do not live in the past, or in the future. Yet, we often lose control of our thoughts in the "right now". NOW! As you read this text, what are your thoughts? That inner voice is not you. You are a living God-created miracle! You are your soul, not your ego. Your ego is going to protect you from change. Your ego always has to be "right".  Your ego is full of fear. Your ego worries about what other people think. Your ego puts harsh limits on your ability to enjoy life, love, liberty, health, and happiness. Your ego makes you small and separates you from other people. After all "people" can hurt your ego. "People" might hurt you! Other "people" may harm your "status." How important you are relative to other "people".  "They" may look down on you, or "they" may judge you. Our egos are so vulnerable that we often sabotage our own success. We sometimes put what others think above becoming our very-best selves! We worry about "them"and what "they" might think! When in reality "they" are most likely consumed with "their" own egos and fears. EGO, Edges God Out!   

Your soul is not your primitive mind. Your primitive mind is controlled by your biology. Biology that creates fear, anger, limits, doubt, and pain. It is controlled by chemistry, hormones, limited senses, and negative programming. For thousands of years our brains have protected us from change. Change was dangerous. In the past, we would live our entire lives around a few hundred people. Our family and our "tribe"was our entire world. Our tribe would only move within a limited area. For generations nothing would change. You did what your father did, and his father did, and his father did!

Today, that same brain is exposed to billions of ideas, and images. There are seven billion "others" on this planet. Our primitive brain is constantly overwhelmed by our modern world of sensory overload!! It creates stress that our brains were not designed to handle. Our advanced cerebral cortex, our "new" brain can handle huge amounts of "data and facts". But, it is our "old" more primitive brain that controls ALL emotions, AND ALL decisions! Yet, we all think we are sooooo smart! Think again! Being smart has little to do with how we really make decisions.

This is why we are totally illogical! We are not designed like "Mr Spock"! When presented with very good facts or logical ideas, we do not decide on the best action using logic. We filter all information through our primitive and emotional brain.

This is why we "sabotage" our best and most powerful ideas. We put on the brakes within moments of an empowering thought. Why? We are victims of our primitive brain. It is based on ego. And our ego is based on fear, pain, and limited emotions that are "programmed" by our emotional childhood and  primitive brain.

Your soul is another thing all together. Your soul seeks meaning, love, connection, passion, and it responds to "possibilities". Your soul is unlimited, courageous, kind, inclusive, and abundant. It is eternal. It has no limits! It seeks life, love, liberty, health, and happiness! Your soul is from your "heart". Your heart is based on eternal love.

So, the lesson here, is that it is okay to "believe". It is safe to explore. Your negative past has nothing to do with your positive future. You are the master of your fate. God loves you. And your soul loves you. If you will override your negative programming, you can help us change the world! Stop your ego, and start your heart. Stop competing with everyone and start collaborating with others. It's OK.

We have limited relationships and trust in the old economy, a power-based world of dog-eat-dog competition. We create abundant relationships and trust in the new economy, a world of collaboration. "Free your mind Neo, free your mind!" (The Matrix)

I can feel your old mind screaming at you right now! "Don't listen to Dr. Hines, why should you trust him. He is just trying to take advantage of you. Run, please run away!" 

On this site I lay out my dreams, my love, my soul, and my decades of work, my hopes, and my prayers. I am not a salesman. I am a teacher. I am a coach. I am a father, husband, brother, and mentor. I wish to give those folks that are looking for a better way, a way to love and live in this new economy. The same gift that was given to me by my teachers, and coaches, and my mastermind group. God reveals, that we will become much like the people that we allow into our inner circle of association. We often become what others think! Control your thoughts and you can change everything. Why? Because giving changes everything!!! Because our thoughts become things! Because we do what we want to do, not what we really need to do! Start small, but think BIG! You can do anything that you THINK and BELIEVE you can do! Folks are less interested in "what" I do. They are more interested in "why" I do what I do, and why I "believe" in what I do!!

I believe in relationships, in trust, and in collaboration!!  I believe this leads to solutions that will change the world, and give each of us a Better Way to Live and a Better Way of Living, and a Better Way of Livelihood!! LIFE, LIVING, AND LIVELIHOOD all combined into a perfect consumer revolution! A Global

 Consumer Buying Group! 

For the past 30+ years, we have helped thousands of hard-working families find this wonderful balance between time and money. Between life, love, liberty, health and happiness! The rich and powerful forces that use us, and then discard us, will not change their ways. Change happens when each of us has had enough, and decide to do something about it. 70% of American citizens can not make a decision, how about you!! Don't wait for someone to change your life, that is up to only YOU! Again, how do you wish to be remembered? What is your story? What will you contribute? Will you will give more or take more? We hope that you enjoy every precious moment of this miracle we call life! We have created Better Way to Live!! You can as well. Start today? You little to lose, and a better life to gain!

Consumer Power! Lesson 107!

 The four Ages of Wealth Creation! Yes, science and technology have driven four distinct ages of wealth creation over the last thousand years.

Our "modern" world is really only a few hundred years old. Man has become accustomed  to rapid changes in science and technology. Yet, the next 10-20 years will add more knowledge to our world then all the previous inventions of the past one thousand years!


The first age of technology was agriculture. This was a brutal age of unending toil to survive. Over 95% of all people worked as serfs, and peasants for the few that controlled the land.


The second age in the early 1800's was led by the invention of steam power, coal-fired machines, and the factories of the Industrial Revolution. People moved from rural to urban environments, and now toiled in factories. For most, life was still hard and our life span improved to some degree. Yet, most remained  servants to a royal or  entitled upper class. The middle class was quite small. We began to understand magnetic's, hydraulics, and thermal dynamics.

The third age of science and technology was created by electricity, the internal- combustion engine, the assembly line, and organized labor. This began at the turn of the century and progressed until the 1970's. After two world-wars, the United States emerged as a democratic-super power. The industries of manufacturing exploded. Automobiles, freeways, suburban living, universities, advances in assembly, and free markets created a booming middle class. Democracy, the rule-of-law, and private ownership changed the landscape of science and technology. This created the military-industrial complex, the medical-pharmaceutical-complex along with growing sectors of service, finance, insurance, and education. This was ended with the moon landing of 1969! At this point, the education system prepared each of us for the JOB market, and this system of education has not changed since 1950. What emerged was a prosperous middle class, millions of small businesses, power politics, the cold war, weapons of mass destruction, and the science of quantum physics. In America and Europe, consumers were overwhelmed with modern products, and a shorter work week. Travel boomed and global airports were created. People could afford housing, transportation, education, abundant food supplies, advances in medicine, and longer life spans.  

The fourth age was led by the creation of computers, micro-chips, software and the internet. This science and technology created lasers, fiber optics,  micro-technology, entertainment industries, and changes in marketing and distribution. The world of medical research, genetics, cell function, and astronomy advanced exponentially.   The Baby-Boomers created the biggest booms and recessions of our society. The investment markets changed, retirement changed, marketing and distribution grew, as globalization and outsourcing shifted manufacturing jobs offshore, and the planet grew to over six-billion people. From 1970 until 2008, millions of migrants moved to America. Companies like WalMart, Costco, Federal Express, and Amazon began to change where and how we consumers shop. The cold war shifted to trade wars. Our federal and state governments grew and more people began to see big government as the solution. All taxes paid by the average middle-class employee rose to 40% of their wages, and healthcare rose to 16%. As the buying power of the dollar eroded, the two-income family became the norm. The cost of living rose, and the economy slowed. Free time gave way to longer work time and longer commuting time. Today, having more time and better health are the new status symbols.

Today, we are at the very beginning of the fifth age of science and innovation. This new age is accelerating nano technology, robotics, artificial intelligence, global smart-phone communication. Google, Facebook, and social media dominate our new culture of 24 hour news and networks. Moore's Law is still doubling the power of micro-chips every 12-18 months. Our smart devices are a million times more powerful than 1985. The internet-of-things is here, and ideas of privacy and freedom are up for debate. It is predicted that advances in technology will dramatically change the way we work and where we live.

Everyone can now connect anywhere, 24 hours per day. This changes EVERYTHING! We hear new thoughts about climate, political power, globalization, sustainability, religion, geoengineering, cloning, social re-distribution, one-world government, border-less immigration, terrorism, nuclear proliferation, crypto-currencies, the cost of healthcare, genetic engineering, sexual orientation and debates regarding education and liberty, all in a future world of 8-10 billion people.

This changes the composition of the family, the nation, and the world. These technologies create moral and ethical debate. This raises debate regarding the "haves" and the "have not's". These changes will raise legal issues regarding jobs, entitlements, welfare, and culture.

So, let me share why this information is Lesson 107 of Consumer Power!? 

We can no longer hide from these issues. I believe, that we can not only prosper in these crazy times, but we can LEAD others to a new era of collaboration and prosperity. As members of this "new" community, we can reject the violent elements of these rapid changes in technology and science. 

The technology of global disruption is also the same technologies of global communities and global prosperity. These new consumer "tribes" are held together by the new jobs of micro-entrepreneurs, digital nomads, who come together for economic security. The bottom line is HOW WE SPEND OUR MONEY! We vote with our dollars! Together, as a united buying organization, we become business owners AND loyal consumers. We disrupt the normal power base, and create our own economy. Our own power base! We take back control.

Our new collaborative community of united members create their own ECONOMY!

This membership-loyalty drives more value and more income back to its members. This is like Costco on steroids!! Through our mastermind training system, we manage our wealth and our livelihoods as a network. This puts all the power back into our lives. Our consumer revolution unites our health, our lives, our livelihood, and our consumer loyalty. This creates a new education system. A better way to do business!


Our current education system is preparing us and our children for a job market that peaked in 1960. Our education system in science and technology is now at the very bottom of ALL the modern nations on earth. Yes, we are LAST in math, science, and digital education. Our current pubic education system and our personal responsibility to educate our children is broken. This is why our current brain trust of innovation is coming to America from foreign communities. They are educated at our finest universities and employed by our coming mega-companies. The best paying jobs will continue to go to a global labor pool that is better prepared with the skills needed for this revolution in technology!! Many young Americans are more interested in social culture, politics, and entertainment, than the global competition coming to America. People with a 24/7 commitment to higher education in math and science, their education begins in primary school, college, and personal tutoring. These  highly-qualified students will get the majority of new-economy jobs.

It is time to wake up and take charge of our lives. Our consumer-wealth network is designed to educate our members. When we vote with our united buying power, we can determine our own destiny. We create our own economy. Life is to short, and the digital workplace is to complex for individuals to prosper alone. By uniting our buying power, we take charge of our lives, our income, our taxes, our assets, and most importantly, OUR TIME AND HEALTH.


Leaders live their dreams through their teams!!!  No one succeeds alone!

With our time, we can invest in those activities that are most precious to each of us. When we separate our income from our time, we enter this fifth age of technology as men and women prepared to create abundance for ourselves and our children. To become the "solution" and not a part of the problem.

This is not something new. Remember, 5% of us create assets to make money, and 95% of us sell our time to make money. For the past 30+ years I have been waiting for these billion-dollar technologies to become so affordable that our members could start their own new-economy businesses for under $200. A real business, a NEW type of business, that removes every obstacle to success.  A business not based on SELLING products, but uniting and training our members to create business prosperity through united BUYING of products! Voting with their own dollars to create business assets for their own families. The Walmart family has plenty of money, do you? The Walmart family is part of the 5%, how about you?

In this new economy, it is now possible for 100% of us to become business owners, AND business teachers. To unite our power and take charge of our lives. To create a new education system that allows 100% of our members a level playing field, and access to global prosperity! 

To finally get out of life what you have put into your life! To join the 5%! Without expensive formal education, without risking a lot of money. Something that we each can begin without special skills or years of labor.  Something we can begin part time. Grow at our own pace without a boss. Something that creates passive income and potential assets. Something that you can pass on to your children. Something that they can build with their children. With people you love. Something bigger than yourself! Something to be applauded and recognized as helping the world become a better place to live. A Better Way to Live!

The previous four ages of technology innovation have allowed 1% of our population to control 80% of all the assets of wealth. These previous innovations are now feeding and housing over 7 billion people. For the first time technology has reduced the grinding poverty of years ago. With this new age of innovation we can redefine what "success" is. We can free our minds and solve the problems caused by these changes. Problems of depression, stress, loneliness, drug abuse, lost children, and lost adults. Problems of ego, debt, unhappiness. Problems of abuse and lost souls. Problems that inflict pain on our children.

This is the moment! This is the science and technology! This is the Consumer Revolution!! We are not here to fit in, we are here to change the world. Change the world one entrepreneur at a time. One person at a time. One step at a time. One child at a time. This is not about money or getting rich, this is about creating wealth (for the first time) for every person that becomes a member of our business community. Creating a NEW story and a NEW type of prosperity. A NEW type of education and a NEW master-mind resource. A NEW-ECONOMY JOB! To realize that true wealth is not about money, it is about time. It is about experiences, personal growth, contribution and fulfillment! The time to enjoy every precious moment! The time for each of us to become the person we wanted to be. To return adults to the child-like dreams of their youth. A time before our education system began to mold us into obedient workers. A time before our adult duties shrunk our dreams and limited our potential value to society. To enslave us with debt, and status, and ego. To remove our Creators vision and replace it with "WORK". Work for money, money, money!

Our members work at their jobs UNTIL their business assets (other awesome team-members) can unite enough buying power, and empower enough "new-economy entrepreneurs", to give each of us "time freedom." A BETTER WAY OF LIVING!!

Our community is not about the all mighty dollar, it is about the value of a person that becomes free. It is about optimized health performance. Giving your precious body the gift of life. Giving the folks you love the same potential. Giving each of us through a united-education process the skills and the knowledge to leverage our power throughout the world. To be what we dreamed we could be! To do what we dreamed we could do! 


Elevate your worth and your reputation! This is a new day. This is not about selling products to your friends, or "making money" off of them. This is not about old-fashion networking. This is the gift of collaboration over competition. This is about your value to society, and the people you will empower. Your leadership, not by force, but by example. This is about you becoming a different person. A person of significance. A person of influence. A life well lived. Becoming an example for others to follow. Living a life of purpose, and on purpose. Becoming the best person you can be, without the limitations and politics of the job market.

I have lived in the 5% world for over 30 years and it is the greatest gift my mentors gave us. If you enjoy helping others you will love this life, like we have. Everyday we pinch ourselves and thank God for the decisions we made so many years ago. Today, with this new story and this new technology and this new education platform, you can accomplish what took me 20 years to accomplish, in only 2-4 years. I have helped many of my members create more benefits for their families than I have accomplished. My greatest achievement was seeing my students exceed my results. Why? It is simple, the more folks you help, the greater your personal reward. And, the greater you will feel about yourself. May you receive more life, more love, more liberty, more health, and more happiness, as you take charge of your precious time and become the master of your new life and career. Collaboration overcoming competition!

Take control of your power and your future, by helping us help more!! Coach a Better Way of Living!! Live it, Love it. Enjoy every precious moment!

Get started today, and enjoy a fulfilling tomorrow!! Welcome to the 5%!

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