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       Our Goal is to Link    Five Million Children with    Five Million Consumers!!

"One simple act to nourish yourself, is enough to also nourish a child!" 

 According to the World Health Organization, approximately five million children die each year from issues related to malnutrition. The Mission 5 Million movement, or M5M, represents Mannatech’s commitment to linking five million consumers of their products with five million children in need of better nutrition. Leveraging the same technology used in creating their premium supplements based on Real Food Technology solutions, Mannatech created PhytoBlend™ powder, a potent product designed to bolster the nutritional value of the food provided to children by relief organizations worldwide.


What is the Mission 5 Million℠ Program?

Mannatech’s M5M℠ program is simple yet powerful. You consume the products you need, and Mannatech helps a child in need. For every purchase of Mannatech products, a donation is made to the M5M Foundation to go towards the purchase of PhytoBlend powder to help nourish children in need.

Which Mannatech products generate a donation to the M5M Foundation?

All Mannatech finished product sales generate a donation to the M5M Foundation.

What is the M5M Foundation?

The M5M Foundation supports orphanages and organizations around the world. The United States of America, Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Colombia, China, Taiwan, Philippines, Nepal, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Uganda, Zambia, Tanzania, South Sudan, South Africa and Haiti.

What is malnutrition?

Malnutrition is caused by an improper or insufficient diet. It is most often referred to as under-nutrition resulting from inadequate consumption, poor absorption, or excessive loss of nutrients. Malnutrition greatly weakens the body’s immune system, which can lead to extreme consequences. Orphans are particularly vulnerable to the devastating effects of malnutrition.

What causes a child to become malnourished?

Children become malnourished when they don’t receive the adequate nutrients their bodies need to maintain health.

Why aren’t most relief foods correcting the problem?

Current food programs are mainly cereal-based and lack many of the nutrients young children need. According to the international relief organization, Doctors Without Borders, food is not enough. In fact, these fortified, blended flours no longer meet the minimum nutritional criteria for young children set by experts at the World Health Organization. In other words, filling a child’s stomach not only fails to correct the problem, but it serves as only a temporary fix to a much bigger problem.

The bottom line is always simple. Our consumers have the power to change the world! United consumers are supporting companies that add value to our society and our planet! The Global Consumer Buying Group was created to empower you. You "vote" for a better way of living! Your business "votes" for a better world!

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