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Consumers are Powerful! Is it Time to Take Back Your Power?


Buying is Voting!

As consumers, we have a great responsibility in the choices that we make everyday. Whenever we buy a product we are validating it as a product that we want, something that we approve of, and something that we want to continue to buy and support. You are voting with your dollars.

Demand Quality!

When we buy a cheap product that falls apart within one year, we are saying, "Thank you, we love it when things fall apart so we can buy it again next year!" Yet, when interviewed we say that we want to buy quality products that last! Yes, the quality product will be more expensive up front but in the long run it will actually be a less expensive product per use. Vote smart!

Use Buying Restraint!

Lets create a world of "Resource Reduction, Reuse, & Recycle." Use your power as a consumer. Do you buy the cheap product that you can afford now, or do you hold out until you can afford the higher quality option? Whenever possible, hold out for the superior quality product.

Use Your Power!

We, the consumer, are far more powerful than we realize - the way that we "vote" with our money has a great influence on our entire society. How we decide to spend our future dollars has the potential to change everything!

If you owned a product company, would you continue to produce a product that people did not want to buy or consume? Of course not! You would be crazy to do so.

Vote to Change the World!

The next time you go shopping be aware of what you are buying and make smart decisions - think of the checkout counter as your "consumer voting booth" in an election! As you hold that product in your hand, ask yourself, are YOU voting for more of the same. Your vote gives you the ultimate power to change the future world that we will all live in. Vote for a better way of living!

Always remember the motto, "To Whom You Give Your Money You Give Your Power!" The reason The Global Consumer Buying Group is empowering consumers is because we believe that united consumers control everything!! Our business model takes back your power and gives you the benefits. Why allow greedy corporate giants and power brokers to continue to force their products down your throat. Unite with us as micro-entrepreneurs and put the benefits in your pocket. Our mission is to return this power back to the average hard-working families that have become exhausted by higher prices, lower quality products, and lower wages.

Every business on the planet wants your consumer dollars, if you are ready to take back control of your life, and put more money back in your budget, it may be time to contact one of our members and fight back! Join us in the new economy, and vote for your family. Vote for a better way of living!

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