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Start with Why! Stop the Insanity!

"The more organizations and people who learn to start with WHY, the more people there will be who wake up truly being fulfilled by the work they do."-Simon Sinek

Why is it that some leaders never achieve greatness and others motivate millions? What sets apart the mundane from the masterful, the indifferent from the inspirational?

Great leaders inspire people to act through "internal" values of WHY, not the imposed "external" actions demanded through management structures that follow the company mantra of "this is WHAT we do and HOW we have always done it!"

Manipulation vs Inspiration: There are many ways to influence behavior: manipulate it or inspire it. Most companies and organizations do not have a clear sense of WHY their customers are their customers. This leads to trade-offs. Dropping prices, running promotions, using fear, peer pressure, or novelty. Not one of these tactics create loyalty. Over the course of time, this stress costs more and more. Gains are short-term.

Manipulations don't create relationships or loyalty. Loyalty is earned! That is when consumers are willing to turn down a better product or price to continue doing business with you. This is WHY we created the Global Consumer Buying Group! It links us with companies that care about consumers in a better way!

This feeling of "we are in this together, as a "shared" economic relationship" is now a new powerful force between consumer and company, or voter and candidate, or boss and employee. This "why relationship", defines the missions, movements, and the revolutions that have created rabid fans and loyal consumers for some companies! Consumers are becoming very savvy, they expect more from companies than manipulation!

This is why we created the the Global Consumer Buying Group! We have linked our consumer buying power to a "shared relationship" between our consumer values and our loyalty to a company. We believe that we have the power! The power to pick the winners and the losers in the battle for our consumer dollars.

We are fed up with a rigged system. We are in a battle for a better way of living! As every penny of the cost of manufacturing has gone to robots, off-shore workers, and under-paid workers, we have realized that we are fighting for the bottom of the labor pile. Fewer jobs, more competition, and lower wages. The insanity of an unending quest for lower prices has created a "transaction culture" driven by low prices and lower wages. The "Amazon culture" of extreme price optimization over the quality of life of average hard working men and women is gutting our way of living. Reducing us to gypsies, wandering the aisles of Costco, looking for a better price while sacrificing our quality of life and reducing the labor pool in our nation.

Now, I am not naive. I believe that everyone wants to "save" money on the items we purchase. We all want a free lunch and a bargain deal. We buy into the 70% Off, or Buy-one-get-one free offer. We stand in line on "Black Friday," clip coupons, and go for purchases on Ebay or Amazon! No one can stop us. We are suckers for a deal. "All this AND free shipping!"Sign me up! Insane, there is no such thing as FREE!

So the solution to this plague of the old economy, is to create a bargain for us in the new economy! The Global Consumer Buying Group can empower the consumer. Increased productivity has allowed global companies to make billions of dollars, while avoiding their responsibility to hard-working middle-class families.

The solution to this problem is not political. Capitalism not socialism has moved hundreds of millions of people into a healthier, wealthier, and more humane world. China has moved 300 million people from rural poverty to urban centers of opportunity. I believe in freedom. I believe in innovation. I believe in achievement. I believe in merit and capitalism!

But the asset that I believe in the most, is your God-given "human potential!" The person that God "sees" in you! The potential for every single person on this planet to contribute! When harnessed, this potential will transform our world and allow millions of us to solve millions of problems. Truly creating a better way to live!

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