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The Grand Challenge! A Better Way!

As I have said in the past, "The only thing harder than starting something new, is stopping something old!" We are conditioned by thousands of hours of "education", to think a certain way. To believe that certain things are "right" and others "wrong".

Our parents, our teachers, our churches, the media, our peers and friends, the internet, marketing, advertising, movies, and culture all set us up NOT to change! The status quo is protected and other options or opinions are ridiculed, rejected and forcefully opposed. Yet, today, our world is changing so rapidly that change itself IS opportunity!

Million-dollar markets seem to spring up overnight. Technology IS about change. Yet, our primitive brains try very hard to "protect" us from risk. The part of the brain known as the "amygdala", was evolved to "fear" change. You are "wired" to reject change. Thousands of years ago, sudden change was dangerous. Change was a threat to established ways, values, and beliefs. Change was feared. Our brains protected us from change, and they still do!

That is why we are often inspired by a new idea, but the very next day we have already begun to convince ourselves that this change is not for us. "I can't do it." "It won't work." "I am not the kind of person who can do this." "What will people think if I try and fail?" This is the "old" brain protecting you!

However, today, disruption is creating a wonderful new world of boldness and abundance for those that do change. Rapid change is now an advantage. Fear of change is now a huge disadvantage. Yet, our brains still fight to "protect" us

from change.

We still educate our children and ourselves with the tools and skills of the old economy. Yet, all wealth is shifting to reward the forces of change and disruption in the new economy!

The Global Consumer Buying Group provides the technology to bridge all of us average folks into the new economy. We are combining the resources of the wellness revolution, the technology revolution, communication, networking, compensation, profit sharing, education, mentorship, home-business, global eCommerce, finance, regulation, distribution, research, longevity, anti-aging, and collaboration into the largest consumer community on the planet! An opportunity for a better way of living!! A better way of life!!

This is my grand challenge to each of us. To inform our "Inner Child" that this change is good. No, this change is GREAT! "That this time is my time, to live a better life!" Join me today and "change" to a better way of living!


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