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The Perfect Business! A Better Way to Live!

There is a phrase in the classic novel, Atlas Shrugged, that states, "Who is John Galt?" The rest of this grand work of literature provides the answer. As you know, Atlas in Greek mythology was forced to hold up the world for eternity. I took this photo of Atlas outside of Rockefeller Center in New York City. I think in life, we all feel like Atlas at times. Holding up our world all by ourselves!

The reason I respect the ideas within the novel Atlas Shrugged, is that they challenge us to explore a world in which all the great men and women of business and enterprise suddenly vanish. What happens when the men of thinking and innovation disappear?

In the novel, the world crumbles into the chaos of autocrats and government intervention until all hope is lost. A world without the freedom of the mind to create and profit from industry and entrepreneurism. In the novel, only a few have been blessed with the independence and the will to "think for themselves", and profit from their minds.

Today, we have three mindsets in America. The first is the mindset of the "poor". That mindset is, "My Life Sucks", they find it difficult to escape this mindset and often become dependent on others to live.

The second mindset is "My Life is Better than Yours", this is the vast majority of the middle class and most of the professional class. They "compete" to win. They went to school to acquire the skills of competition. To get a better job, to get a better income, to move up the ladder of success. This results in a life of the constant "chase" of the American Nightmare. A fight to win at all cost. "If I win you lose, and if you win I lose." This is how our education system creates "success"! This is the mindset of the old economy. This is the mindset of scarcity. The mindset of competition!

The third mindset is "All Life is Great"! In this model, competition is replaced with collaboration. Our education is to share resources and empower the creative process in everyone. The secrets of abundance and true wealth are revealed. This is the mindset of the new economy! This is the education power of The Global Consumer Co-op! We teach each consumer to "vote" with their dollars. To vote for a better world. To vote for a better way of living. In this world we still compete and our incomes are not all equal. However, as we unite our power, we demand more value for our votes. We reward leadership, compassion, equal opportunity, social change, creativity, culture, sharing, innovation, mastermind groups, cooperation, communication, hard work, smart work, giving, caring, and contribution! As the resources of the community grow, everyone has access to all the resources the system has to offer. Individuals become more powerful as expensive resources become available to every member!!

The Perfect Business is a resource! For everyone, not just a wealthy few. It is ALL the people, capital, technology, management, products, R&D, tax benefits, innovation, compensation, education, compassion, coordination, communication, collaboration, resources, and beliefs of ALL of us FOR ALL of us! As united consumers, we have the power to create a better world for everyone! It creates billions of dollars in shared resources.

In my professional health-care co-op, membership gave each individual power. Power only possible through collaboration. No member ever withdrew from the co-op. The advantages were so overwhelmingly positive. The same in true now!! The value of our collaboration is impossible to achieve as an individual. But, together our combined value is overwhelming. When we "vote" together we always win! The Global Consumer Co-op is new to many. When understood, it makes total sense and we all win together. Folks, the average working-family needs a win. We need to get off the wheel-of -debt. We need a better way to give. We all need a better way to live!

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