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Means Goals vs Ends Goals!

Do we live in a crazy fast-paced world? Yes! How can we achieve our goals in life, if every day we are running just to get by? What needs to change? The answer is simple......!

After you take all the time it takes to get up and get to work, and then work all day, and then fight traffic to get home, and then do your normal household activities, ......How much time do you have left for yourself, your dreams, your peace-of-mind?? The answer is NONE! The answer is you just want to watch some TV or go to bed. You just want to forget about everything until the alarm goes off and you do it all again! Just working for the weekend and your next vacation!

OR....there is a better way! To stop working your life away trying to make money and start using the new economy to create a new-economy business. Collaborating with folks that have the same dreams and beliefs in a better way to live.

Join the Global Consumer Buying Group and create asset income. Income that comes in every month, based on your previous efforts and NOT chasing money every single day! Stop working for money and start building an asset. Be part of the Consumer Revolution!!

It is time to understand the difference between "means goals", and "ends goals"!

Means goals are the WHAT you do to make money and HOW you make money to reach your goals. Ends goals are WHY you do something! What your money will buy that will make you happy.

For example, we work SO we can save money for our future. We go to school, SO we can make more money. We please our boss, SO we can get a raise. We work overtime SO we take home more money. These are all "means goals". They focus on working hard for year after year, SO you can retire and finally have the "ends goals" you dream of. SO, you can play golf and travel and take care of your health, SO you can spend time with your grandchildren. SO. SO. SO.

SO, why do 95% of us never get there? Because, the rules have changed! The old rules were based on hard work, saving money, investing in stocks, owning your home, and turning all of that and your Social Security into passive income to live on to a ripe old-age.

The “real” old rules have crushed our current reality and have made our dreams a lie! The “real” old rules are work hard, pay your bills, pay your mortgage, then refinance and start all over again, pay your student loans, credit cards, auto loans, and keep-up-with-the-Jones's! Live beyond your means. Never save, lose money in the markets, lose money in the recessions, and lose your health and happiness along the way!

I hate the old rules!

My rules are simple! Go directly to your end goals! Stop working for money and start working for assets that will get you to your end goals while you are still young!

The NEW rules:

The new economy is about assets, not debt!

The new economy is about collaboration, not competition!

The new economy is about passive income, not work!

The new economy is about global, not local!

The new economy is about the end goal, not the means goal!

The new economy is about taking back control!

The new economy is about a better way to work!

The new economy is about your family, not your ego!

The new economy is about a better way to live!

The purpose of the Global Consumer Revolution, is to vote with our dollars! To turn our buying power back to ourselves. To empower every member of our community with the ability to be both a consumer and a business owner. This NEW business model allows average families access to tax benefits, profit sharing, global technology, asset creation, passive income, mentorship, education, and contribution. It creates a Better Way to Live!

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