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You have all the power!

And you always have!

Home-Based  Business Today!

Live Local, Build Global!

The purpose of this website is to empower hard-working families. The Global Consumer Revolution creates the foundation for the perfect home-based business! Each of our members are both consumers and owners. Unified for the purpose of creating income for the over-stressed middle-class family! 

Through our united efforts we can each take back our lives. The secret strategies, traditionally used to create wealth are now available to everyone. These include tax benefits, asset creation, leverage, technology, social media, and global markets!

The Global Consumer Revolution unites the buying power of thousands of consumers. To whom we give our money; we give our power. Here, we provide you with all the tools you need to take back your consumer power and empower your family. To "vote" with your limited dollars for the benefit of the people you love.

We believe every member can learn the simple rules of income creation! Rules that were never taught to you in school. Rules that were only possible for the rich in the past. Now you can start small, but grow BIG! Not just in your local community, but in global markets as well.

Did I invest in Costco when there was only one in the world, down in south Seattle? No! Did I invest in Starbucks when there was only one at the Pike Place Market in Seattle? No! Did I invest in MicroSoft when Bill Gates moved back to Seattle? No!

But, in 1983, I unified the buying power of thousands of my colleagues and millions of consumers. Our networks have exceeded two billion dollars in sales since then. You can do more than I accomplished, today, for an investment of less than two hundred dollars. And, the global market for new-economy home-based businesses is expected to grow at one new business every six seconds! 

Today, the only thing harder than starting something new, is stopping something old. Our limited thoughts, and limited experiences hold us back. As we say, "You don't know what you don't know!" This website was created to help you see new worlds of thoughts and possibilities! To help your family grow and flourish in the new economy! A better way to work, and a better way to live! 

You Have all the Power, and You Always Have!

The Global Consumer Revolution unites the buying power of every member! As individuals, we have the ability to VOTE with our dollars! Every business wants your dollars and you control who you vote for.


The Global Consumer Group allows us to unite our power and VOTE for our families, and receive more value for our money. That VALUE includes:


Collaboration overcomes Competition.

Wealth creation overcomes Working for money.

Assets vs Work.

Tax benefits and tax advantages vs No advantages

Leveraged time and income vs No leverage

Creating a corporation to preserve, protect, and keep your wealth.

Investing in a mastermind and a wealth team.

Leveraging global technology, the "Uberization" of buying power.

New Education overcomes Old Education.

Blue Ocean vs Red Ocean business.

Retire in 2-4 years vs retire in 40 years.

Buying vs Selling

New Economy vs Old Economy.

Live Local but Build Global.

Big Data Recruiting and Webinar Recruiting.

Member driven value innovation

Take back your power!


Did you know that you have always had the power to create a better way of living? Did you know that you have something that the entire world wants? Did you know that you can retire in 4 years?

As consumers, we have always had the power to vote with our dollars. However, only with the help of the Global Consumer Revolution can you unite your consumer dollars with other members and create a global network of united buying power! 

What would it be like to own Costco or Walmart? I remember when there was only one Costco in Seattle. Did I buy stock back then? No! Last year just the membership fees at Costco totaled over $2.8 Billion. 

Starting today, you can access that kind of power for your family! It is now possible to create a consumer network with the technology of the new economy. 

Just like Uber or AirB&B, we have the technology platform to create profit sharing networks for your family. For the past 30+ years, we have created billions of dollars in co-op and network business. Helping our members make and save millions of dollars.

Emotional Intelligence.

Did you know that we will help create 10 million new millionaires in the next ten years? Did you know that the Hines System was designed to help hard-working families create assets that give regular families access to uncommon life experiences?


We believe that money is not the source of true happiness. Money is needed to live in our modern world. Did you know that there are two ways to make money? Which one would you choose if you could go back in time?


First, for the vast majority (95%), we are taught to WORK for money. Every day we are encouraged to trade our time and skills for money. Were we ever taught a better way? No. The second way to earn money, is to create assets that make money! This method allows us to retire in 4 years and create a lifestyle in balance with our human needs. A Better Way of Living!

Would you enjoy more life experiences? List all the experiences and adventures that you would love to pursue. 


Would you enjoy more personal growth? The time to learn and become the person that you know you could become. Mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical growth! Why not you? Why not now?


Would you enjoy more time for contribution and fulfillment?  Time to give and create? Time to give yourself, your children, your friends and your passions a real future and leave a real legacy? Time to lead and be counted as a person with a joyful spirit and an abundant heart?

With the Hines System, and your membership in the Global Consumer Revolution, you can access the same tools and technologies of the rich. 

You can live a better life and make the need to compete with others irrelevant! A world BEYOND COMPETITION. A world of COLLABORATION and CREATION!



Human beings, being human!!

Did you know that over 90% of those questioned, said that they felt that they would never have a balanced life?

After you work all day, commute, do the tasks for your family and finish your other responsibilities, how much time do you have left to do the other things that are important for a balanced life?

Time for personal growth?

Time to de-stress and exercise?

Time to be with your children?

Spiritual time and meditation?

Time to be with your spouse?

Time with your friends and neighbors?

Financial time to plan and save?

Time for tranquility and joy?

Vacation get-aways and adventure?

Time for fulfillment and contribution?

Time for new experiences and fun?

The purpose of the Global Consumer Revolution is to create a NEW and Better Way to Live! ONE LIFE in balance with all our human needs. To combine life, liberty, living, livelihood with health, healing, and wholeness! To become the happiest people, we know!


As we enter the "third industrial-revolution", we no longer are required to make the sacrifice between our careers and our families. We can have both! Financial rewards, experiences, personal growth, adventure, contribution, passion, and fulfillment as ONE LIFE. A Better Way of Living!  

Would taking back your life be worth it?

Did you know that there are two education systems? One for 95% of us, and another for the top 5%? Did you know that 95% of us were taught to work for money for 40 years, and hope we have some money for retirement?

Did you know that the other 5% are taught how to create assets that make them money? That they are then free to retire in 4 years? That they have created a better way to live? The top 5% can then live a life filled with experiences, with adventures, with personal growth and passion, and live a life of fulfillment and contribution!

Did your parents, your teachers, your friends, your faith, your peers, and your colleagues teach you the 95%-system, or the 5%-system? 


The members of the Global Consumer Revolution  are taught how to retire in 4 years! Through our exclusive system, we can become  new-economy powerhouses!  New-economy entrepreneurs!  We can learn how to make money, keep our money, invest our money, and learn how to build a "Wealth Team" to grow our assets, access tax benefits, and retire in 4 years.


Are you hungry for a better way to live? Are you ready to experience the benefits of the new economy? 

Did you know that it is predicted that the world is about to shed over one billion jobs? Did you know that millions of those jobs will be replaced by new and better jobs?

The workplace of tomorrow will be social, mobile, and global. The Global Consumer Revolution was created for the new economy! By uniting the buying power of thousands of consumers, we are able to create assets and value for our members that was not possible until recently.


We eliminate the risk, competition, and fears of traditional small business, while providing new value for our members. These added values create a new "blue ocean" opportunity, and creates a new member/consumer relationship.


 This new concept eliminates competition and creates passive-income wealth creation. Through collaboration, education, and the power of "wealth teams" we level the playing field for every member. We use technology to advance success for or members.

These technologies eliminate the traditional disadvantages of the direct sales and network industries. 

We no longer "sell" products to our friends and neighbors. Instead, we unite the "buying" power of our members to create profit sharing, tax benefits, lead generation, big data sorting, mastermind training, and web-based global webinars. 

We answer the most important concerns that our members have:

1. Can we do this business?

2. Will other members help us?

3.Will we make money?


In the past, selling networks became associated with pyramid schemes and negative stereotypes. With the creation of collaboration, cooperation, and communication, our buying groups have become vibrant co-ops that attract the most skilled entrepreneurs on the planet. This third industrial-revolution provides the wealth creation technology for average hard-working families!!  

Did you know that you have all the power? The power of the top 5%? The power to retire in 2-4 years? Thousands of folks just like you already have!

Did you take the course called "Wealth 101 in school? College? Of course not, it was not an option. School is for the masses, the 95% who work for the 5%!

We work for money for at least 40 years. They work to create business assets and tax benefits for 4 years! Which system do you want? Did you know that we can have either one?

WE have all the power! WE own the power to have it all! The secret is our buying power, our consumer dollars! Every business on the planet wants us to vote with our dollars. They get rich off our dollars. What do they give back to us? Is it time to change?

We can take control! We can unite our buying power and unify our consumer power for our families! Is it time for us to collaborate and turn our dollars into the assets that will put us on top?

The Global Consumer Revolution is designed to create a Better Way to Live! For over 30 years, we have helped hard-working families take back their lives. 

We trust our members! We believe in the same end goals and provide everything we need to achieve our goals in 2-4 years. Do we trust BIG business or BIG government to get us there? NO! 

Did you know that we are taught to compete with each other to keep us in debt? Did you know that competition creates stress, distraction, greed, and envy? Did you know that competition is taught to us in school? That competition is the source of political and social destruction? That competition makes most people feel inadequate? That competition creates fear, doubt, depression, and anxiety?

Now please understand, from the times of our youth, we are encouraged to be better than others. To "keep up with the Jones's." To "fake it until you make it." 

This is because we are taught that 95% of us must work for money, every day of our 40-year careers. Therefore, we MUST get good grades so we can advance, so we can work hard, so we can please our boss or become our own boss, so we can make more money, so we can live the American-consumer dream, so we can have beautiful things, and a beautiful spouse and children!! So, we can compete, compete, compete, so we can work, work, work, so we can go into debt, debt, debt!! RIGHT?

There is a better way! United consumers follow the rules of collaboration! Are you ready to join the top 5%? And retire in 4 years?

Did you know that over the past ten years the middle class has suffered wage stagnation? That the middle class is shrinking? Did you know that the middle class typically pays 40% of their gross income in dozens of local, state, and federal taxes? And 16% for healthcare? Did you know that personal  credit card debt for Americans just exceeded one trillion dollars?

Did you know that most of us work for "red ocean" companies? This means traditional established industries that are in mature markets. They can only compete with hundreds of similar companies through market differentiation and lower cost for products and services.  

This has created enormous stress to compete for fewer and fewer dollars and smaller and smaller profits. With globalization and new technologies, these red-ocean businesses offer their employees more work and fewer benefits.


Innovation and large-scale businesses are destroying smaller competitors and changing the employment landscape.


Companies like Amazon, E-Bay, Costco, Walmart and other Big-Box Stores are eliminating smaller competitors. 


What can we do? How can we fight this trend? The answer is  quite unique!  Create a completely different form  of business! A NEW "blue ocean" business! A Consumer Revolution!


Blue ocean businesses create NEW VALUE INNOVATION! They look outside of traditional competition and create new business environments where competition is IRRELEVANT! 


The Global Consumer Revolution is a blue-ocean business! We have no competition. We have looked at the frustrations of average hard-working families. We have analyzed dozens of PAIN POINTS that are stressing our modern way of living and our current work environment and created a NEW business model. A consumer revolution! A united group of consumer/owners!    

Did you know that anyone can create wealth? What do wealthy families teach their children? Did you know that true wealth is not about you? Wealth is a process! Can anyone learn this process? The answer is YES, YES, YES!

When we sold our medical co-op to our venture partners, we only knew how to work very hard. My partners then shared with me, "THE WAYS OF THE WEALTHY!" They said to me, "Dr. Hines, we love your business and you work very hard, but you don't really understand how to create wealth!" That was the day that I entered a WEALTH TEAM, and never looked  back!

Over the past decades, we have created a system that shares the secrets of the rich to anyone who is hungry, honorable, and honeable (teachable) The 3 H's. 

As we have said before, there are 4 components to creating wealth.

1. Make Money.

2. Keep Your Money.

3. Invest the Money.

4. Build a Wealth Team.


The key to success is to copy successful people. My mentors changed my life, and now we can pass these proven principles on to you! It really is that simple.  The four concepts involve the discipline to follow a proven system and realize that we have all the power to unite OUR success with YOUR success! The question is, are you ready? 

Did you know that we are  unique miracles? Did you know that you have already won the biological lottery of life? That the odds of you being born were 400,000,000,000  to 1?  Yes, 400 TRILLION TO ONE!

This is your one-and-only life. We believe that within each of us is our unique contribution. But, only we can bring that unique gift into existence. Our end goal is to provide each of us with the vehicle to fulfill our destiny and our legacy. To make the world a better place because we were here. A Better Way to Live!


As a man of science and a person that adores the miracle of every cell in our bodies, I am ashamed of the state of our health in America. Do you agree? Do you believe that we can do  much better?


There are two sides to the health-care coin. On one side is MEDICINE and on the other side is optimal human performance! THE SCIENCE OF OPTIMAL HUMAN VITALITY! 


I believe that big medicine, big money, big pharma, and big government power players have destroyed the honorable intentions  of my colleagues. Medicine is not about health at all. Medicine is about illness and sickness. Medicine is reactive and only early detection is considered as "prevention". 

Medicine is now the third leading cause of  death in America. Medical errors kill over 250,000 patients each year. Legal drugs kill over 22,600/year.

The sciences of vitality, longevity, wellness, and nutrition are built on the principles of feeding and detoxing every cell of your body! This science has nothing to do with medicine. Only doctors use drugs to treat, cure, and manage disease.  

Which is better, treating disease or staying healthy and disease free?

There are powerful special interests that wish to destroy any attempt to link health with nature and food or nutrients. The FDA is now controlled by the big medicine-pharma-food industries. They control congress, they control the media, and they control US. Is it time to promote LIFE and take personal responsibility for our God-given vitality? 

Did you know that the clear majority of Americans have lost their trust in BIG INSTITUTIONS? Do you trust big banks, government, media, global corporations, congress, the swamp, special interests, politicians, big universities, and BIG pharma, BIG food, BIG medicine, the FTC, the FDA? Who are they looking out for? Are they part of the problem, or part of the solution? Follow the money!

Why have so many powerful laws been passed to protect the drug industry? Why are millions of dollars flowing into the pockets of our congressman and woman from the drug companies? Why are they a monopoly in patient education? Why have they attacked any and every mention of nutrition or wellness science as possible ways to integrate and preserve our health? Why have they attacked farmers and dairies that champion organic living? 

Why have the seed companies created monopolies? Why is GMO okay in America, but outlawed throughout the world? Why do vaccines cause harm? Why do they outlaw somethings, yet allow millions of deaths by medicine and big pharma?

Our mission, our movement, our passion is to help us find the truth, and give us the tools and products that will give us and our families the power to take back our health and live long and prosperous lives! 

To give our children and all the children on this planet access to the most valuable plant-based micro-nutrients that real science can provide. Our mission is to provide the solutions we need for optimized human potential ! Optimized vitality and anti-aging! Optimized performance! Optimized weight management! Optimized longevity! Rejuvenation biotechnology!

Powerful companies know that we are only a few years from a revolution in the science of nutrition, genetics, and life span. They want to control that too! They want to milk every penny from our limited incomes and destroy our choices. Is it time for us to become truly informed? Is it time to protect our kids? Is it time to stop the insanity? Is it time to drastically reduce the cost? To preserve the lives and the income of the most vulnerable?  

Did you know that we are about to experience a new age of wealth, work, energy, vitality, mobility, longevity, collaboration, contribution, and human potential?

We are in a position to create great freedom and liberty! To give every human being on this planet access to goodness and personal greatness!


We are also in a position to lose everything that I have mentioned!


It is our goal to empower every consumer we know with the NEW tools, technologies, and systems to live a life of contribution! Can we each enjoy every precious moment? Can we each take charge of our health and our wealth? Can we each combine our individual strengths and God-given passions into a NEW ECONOMY? Can this economy free us from the ego and status of competition? Are we ready to unite our consumer power and vote with our dollars for a Better Way to Live?

Are we ready to collaborate and vote for our families? Are we ready to get out of debt? Are we ready to create assets and leverage our consumer power? Are we ready to retire in 2-4 years? Are we ready to trust each other? Are we ready to do our part to create a better world?

Is it time to win? Is it time to live well and lead? Is it time to be counted as a person who can contribute. A person that can grow every day? A person that can experience more, give more, feel more, and be more?

We have all the power! Is it time to use it? Is it time to turn off the TV and turn on our lives? Is it time to have more adventures? Is it time to just relax and breath!? We think it is past time for us to return to our core beliefs and our core values. 

The members of the Global Consumer Revolution are already here! We have already driven billions of dollars into our businesses! We have already created millionaires. We have already retired from the old ways of making money and created the assets required to Live a Better Way!

Are you ready? Why not? Why not you? We are ready to play full out, are you?

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